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3 Instagram Risks To Children
Instagram is popular. In fact, there are over 1 billion active members in 2021. Now, while the average age-range of those users is 25-34, Instagram’s terms of use allow anyone over 13 to have an account. However in our view, just because it may be allowed, doesn’t mean that it is necessarily a good idea!
Snapchat Dangers: Is It Safe For My Child?
If you’re here, it’s no doubt because your child has found their way onto Snapchat — the popular iOS and Android app developed by Evan Spiegel and other founders back in 2009. Now, let us be the first to tell you: as a parent, whatever concerns you may have about Snapchat aren’t unwarranted. For, like with all social media types, be it Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, Snapchat can be a huge problem for young kids.