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Launching 08/08/2024 - Digital Safety & Wellbeing Course
We are super excited to announce our Online Safety & Wellbeing Course, The Digital Parent 101. Starting 08/08/2024, this 6-week course has a new module delivered live each week, through which we teach you everything you need to know to keep your children & teens safe & healthy - online & on social media.
5 Ways Social Media is affecting your Child's Body Image
Today, we’re going to explore five ways social media is harming your teen’s body image, and more importantly, what you can do to help it.
5 Dangerous Social Media Challenges Happening Right Now
For every harmless or well-intentioned challenge, there are darker social media challenges, too. What’s more, with how prominent the internet is, it’s easy for your children or teens to get caught up in these challenges.
3 Instagram Risks To Children
Instagram is popular. In fact, there are over 1 billion active members in 2021. Now, while the average age-range of those users is 25-34, Instagram’s terms of use allow anyone over 13 to have an account. However in our view, just because it may be allowed, doesn’t mean that it is necessarily a good idea!
5 Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied Online
The internet is vast — with over 1 billion destinations on the World Wide Web. With that, it’s often hard to track what your children or teens are up to online. For all you know, they could be victims of cyberbullying. What’s worse, if they are, chances are they won’t tell you about it.
Snapchat Dangers: Is It Safe For My Child?
If you’re here, it’s no doubt because your child has found their way onto Snapchat — the popular iOS and Android app developed by Evan Spiegel and other founders back in 2009. Now, let us be the first to tell you: as a parent, whatever concerns you may have about Snapchat aren’t unwarranted. For, like with all social media types, be it Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, Snapchat can be a huge problem for young kids.